Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Wont Get Fooled Again!!



The presidents own intelligence report (the NIE) has confirmed what most of the rational world suspected all along. IRAN IS NOT A THREAT!! And yet our president in all his wisdom carries on. Essentially saying Iran is a threat because they were a threat. They once had a secret weapons program, so you never know when they are going to restart it.

Well no shit. You know what else I know?? I know that the leader of the one time most respected country in the world has started and illegal war based on lies and fallacies that he knew were nothing more than illusion when he set upon a course that would lead directly to the death of 100's of thousands of innocent Iraqi's. Granted they are not all innocent, but they aint all insurgents either. He is responsible for more Americans deaths than Al Qaeda (3800 and counting). Now he wants to lead us again into another illegal war with an Army that is already strained and suffering.

Less than 2 weeks ago this man proclaimed that unless we acted with urgency, we were facing WW III. Now we find out that really these guys aren't so much a lunatic fringe. They react as most rational leaders do to international pressure. Our president on the other hand continues to insist that the only option here is a violent one that will only mean the deaths of thousands of people American, Iranian and anyone else that is standing too close. I ask you who is more dangerous??

It gets worse. Oct 17th Mr President first puts forth the idea that allowing Iran to continue its nuclear ambitions could end in WW III. As it turns out, the NIE has been in government hands for a year now. The last 6 months it remained almost unchanged. In Aug. a senior member of the Bush intelligence team told Fearless Leader that there were new developments in the Iranian Weapons program. I would have asked questions. You would have asked questions. Any chimp who can form coherent thought would have asked questions. Wanna guess who did not ask questions??

Mr. Bush claims that he had no knowledge of the change in status in Iran. Yet he is the most briefed individual on the planet when it comes to current foreign intelligence. He receives daily morning briefings from the CIA, NSA, DOD, and really anyone else he wants to talk to. He's telling us, he didnt know what his own intelligence operations were learning about in Iran as he and Darth Cheney were beating the war drums with vim and vigor not seen since 2002??

I knew when the Florida election was taken out of the hands of the voters and G. W. was appointed President by a split court that we were going to war with Iraq. I had no idea that so much damage could be done to our constitution and standing in the world as this man has done in 6 years.

The worst part of it is that we let it happen. We did not ask the questions. We did not demand that people be held accountable for their acts. We allowed our rights to be taken without protest. We allowed the cronyism. We allowed the no bid contracts, the mercenaries, the extordinary rendition, torture, the secret prisons . We allowed those who would profit most to write the policy that we the people pay for. We allowed our schools to be eroded from within. All the while all we had to do was support our President and buy stuff.

Shame on "We the People". We know better. We deserve better. And we damn well should demand it! Your either a liar or a fool Mr. President, which is it??

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