Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Oh That Christmas Spirit

So even tho I now count myself as one of the angry heathen non-believing masses. I was raised as your basic church twice a year christen for the most part. Early on, we even went more than that. Essentially what I'm trying to say is that Christmas isnt exactly a foreign idea to me. I get it. Celebrate our love for the people in our lives and show that we value them, by giving offering to them. Problem is, that this basic idea of giving of ones self to others in celebration of peace harmony and togetherness came off the tracks somewhere.

Now while I am all about showing your love for those in your life, family friends and otherwise, I am increasing baffled and irritated that I am forced into a sacred holiday of consumption that I dont believe in, in the first place.

Lets break it down. I'm an atheist. No God in my life. Seems silly for me to celebrate the birth of Jesus, doesnt it?? (We wont even start on the fact that Dec. 25th was picked by early Vatican leaders in order to usurp the pagan holiday surrounding the winter solstice, that's another post). Hey that's ok, I can find other things to be thankful for; oh wait, that holiday was last month. Let's go with, I can still get into the spirit of the season.

Then there's the obligatory gift giving. Actually, I dont really have too much a problem with this in concept. But this is where it pretty much ends. When I was a kid, (isnt that the way all grumpy old guy whining starts??), Giving was special, it was a treat. It was because you wanted to do something special, not because you had to. And even then, it was usually something, different, something you wouldnt necessarily buy for yourself. It wasnt frickin $1500.00 either. There was some sort of modesty and restraint shown. Respect. Anymore its a ridiculous show of gross consumption. My love for you is somehow directly tied to how much money I can throw around on trinkets that will either be broken or forgotten in 6 months.

Many over spend, some put themselves in so much credit card debt they spend the rest of the year trying to get out of it. I'm lucky. I've got a good job, a wife who loves me, a roof over my head, and no kids. Which means I can pretty much afford whatever I want, short of a Porsche. Most of my family is the same, save for the kid part, but hey they brought that on themselves. Either way, there's nothing I want for. There's little that I need. Yet I am somehow disregarded or called a scrooge when I ask to be dealt out at Christmas. We still gets all the kids something. Its just the consumerism of it really starts to offend me. I dont want anything more, you have most things you need. And yet people go ahead an continue to spend XX amount on stuff, that is then opened on an assigned randomly picked day, oooo aaahhh, thanks very much, and garage saled in the spring. Then they demand that I behave in kind.

Remember what your savior stood for people! Help those who need it most! Instead of giving Johnny the newest X-Box, cause last years is sooooo out of date, tone down your own consumption of crap and give to those who actually need it. Throw some money at the charities that do nothing more than make other peoples lives better. Figure out what you believe and help them out somehow. Buy XX amount of $$ worth of blankets from the Thrift store and drop it off at the homeless shelter. Make a special trip to the grocery store, and drop it all off at the food bank. Throw some money at the charity of your choice. Or even better; you know someone like me, take the money you spend on me and give it to the ACLU, Whitman Walker Clinic, Bikes Belong. Hell, how 'bout some carbon credits to help offset that Hummer you drive.

Are you pickin' up what I'm layin' over here people?? Christmas isnt about the stuff you give or receive. Its about the love you feel, for your belief and those that make your life better. You know what your Mom wants?? I do. She wants you to have her over for dinner and spend some time with her, just because.

Merry Fricken Xmas Dammit

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