Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Bike VA

Excuse for bein' stupid, but the Bike VA folks just came out with the first 2008 route details.

This is one of those basic state tours that changes routes every year and offers 5 days or so of supported rides. Couple of metrics, couple of full centuries, a little camping and wayyyy too much hokey, sanitized for your protection, family entertainment ( although the first year I went they showed " The Triplettes of Belleville" in a indoor pool, that was cool). There's the usual "camping" in a high school practice field. The school cafeteria breakfasts, bad white bread sandwich lunches, but all in all a good time.

Usually there is some sort of diversion at most of the rest stops, usually themed according to the theme of that years ride. This year, it's "the Crooked Road", Virginia's own roots music. Now, I'm not much on modern country music, but old skool?? Oh hell yeah! Too bad so much of it is reproduced so poorly. Hopefully, I'll be proven wrong in this particular case. I like me some Bluegrass and Ol' time and this is the place for it.

I usually dont submit myself to the dinners on these things, opting instead for the local cuisine. This can be hit or miss for the most part. 1st year was in BBQ country so we ate pretty well. Last year we found a bar that had ok food, and good drinks. Everyone gained weight.

Mostly tho, its nice to have the chance to ride in some else's back yard and have most everything taken care of. Bring a bike, a tent and some beer money, sit back relax and put some miles in. Yeah, I'll be there again this year.

BikeVA 2008

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