Thursday, December 13, 2007

When it rains, it pours

So much going on, way does it always happen all at once??

The Dems cave again. And again they blame senate republicans for "filibustering" the timetables involved in the original bill. Whatever, and if I shit gold I'd live in a bigger house.

Seriously folks, either talk tough and deliver or say outright that your going to bargain to get what you can, but dont tell me its all his/her/it's fault when you dont put up *any* kind of fight and fold in a stiff breeze.

Senate Republicans were also to blame when it comes to no new CAFE standards or reinstating taxes on the record breaking profits of the oil companies. Why you say?? Because oil companies wouldnt dare cut into their margins, they'd only raise prices.

They Assholes!! Thanks alot for repesentin those that brung ya'. Namely corporate interests that fund your re-election campaigns over what your going to leave your kids to clean up environmentally and economically. Seriously, pull your head out of your ass for 10 minutes and take a look around, what do you think is really going to happen?? News Flash!!! Sometimes you just gotta do whats right anyway.

The Mitchell Report came out, and shocker!!! Baseball players are doing steroids like their jobs depend on it. Who Knew?!?! FU all you redneck fucks who thought cycling was dirty, but nobody cheated in baseball.

So they figured out that all the guys setting all these records and that are all shoe-ins for the hall of fame are doping to the gills. Why is this a surprise?? We're talking about millions of dollars, hell I'd do it too. Hey sports fans welcome to the real world.

Trek is backing Astana. Told Ya So, Told Ya So. Different uniform, same team. lets see what happens.

Yeah its been a hell of a day. When are we gonna run out of stupid ya think??

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