Friday, November 16, 2007

Solving the problem, not the symptom

So why is it that when people get all wound up about immigration, its always about what to do with people once they are here?? Pretty much can chalk that one up to "closing the door after the horse has bolted" isn't it?? A better question is why are people leaving their homes and families to travel thousands of miles, submit themselves to days and months of sun, storms and the like. Thieves, gangs, coyotes (both 4 and 2 legged) only to go somewhere thats cold as shit, you dont speak the language, you going to live below the American poverty level, and you risk arrest just by showing up.

Cause there's nothing better at home thats why.

Most of the people that show up here undocumented, are here cause there aint shit at home. Most live in the kind of poverty that only the homeless can even begin to fathom.

Wanna solve the immigration "problem"?? Give'm a reason to stay at home. A way to make a living. Ditch NAFTA. Rewrite it to insure that all companies that leave our soil to make things South of the Border, or anywhere else for that matter, are adhering to American employment standards there, or risk tariffs and penalties. 40 hr work weeks. Reasonable wages. Etc. I'm not saying that an employer should being people American wages, but for gods sake pay them equitable wage that would allow an auto worker in Honduras live in the same standard as an American one. By creating A) a family sustaining income, suddenly people get to stay home with their loved ones. B) You also create jobs for people supporting those who now have the means to feed their families.

This is simple demand side economics people, it's not that hard a concept.

The jobs I'm talking about here are the ones that have already left, or will anyway. A farm worker in Mexico should make something that would allow them to own a house, feed themselves and goto the hospital just the same as an American worker. If they are hurt on the job, they shouldn't fear getting fired. They should know that their hospital bills will be paid for, like workers comp does here. Any "free trade" agreement should always demand these standards. Otherwise how equal is the trade?? Maybe rather than a "free trade" agreement, we should concentrate on a Fair Trade agreement.

Do you honestly think that a wall is going to keep anyone out?? Round up 12-15 million people?? How much would that cost?? $500.00 ea?? Do the math on that one. Throw employers in jail?? Without these workers the hospitality industry, agriculture and construction industry would collapse tomorrow. Who do you think is slinging that meat puck at McDonald's, changing the sheets in your hotel room, pouring the cement at that office building going up or picking the oranges for your kid's OJ??

It's time to stop all the racism and hate. It's time to talk about real solutions. Long term solutions. Pragmatism folks, its not just for breakfast anymore.

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