Thursday, November 13, 2008

A New Dawn

Hyperbole abounds. Barack Obama was elected president last week in a reasonable majority. The sense history, symbolism, relief, hope, and renewed optimism is palpable. I find myself motivated (almost) to volunteer somehow to pitch in and lend a hand like I havent felt in years, if ever. Almost being the key word. I want to be involved, to take part in what I hope will be the start of something bigger than the age of greed that I/we have suffered through since 1980. If nothing else, the trainwreck that has been the 43rd president, had almost guaranteed the election for this man. There's been alot of press about what can be done to return the United States to its proper place in the international community. Executive orders, reversing signing statements, closing Git-mo and Abu Graib and Kandahar. There's honest policy work being done to try to relieve the stresses on the middle class.

I think the nation as a whole is holding its collective breath until Jan 20th.
Got Hope? isnt a question so much anymore as a statement.

All that and I've discovered Facebook! what an incredible way to waste huge chunks of time.

T minus 67 days

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