Monday, October 13, 2008

When the going gets ugly the ugly get going.

Why is it even remotely acceptable by anyone ,with more than a second grade education (anyone remember the golden rule), connected with the McCain campaign or the Repugnacan party to not step forward and stand up to the hate vitriol and violence that has gripped the conservative base at the latest campaign stops?? Calling someone “inexperienced”, misguided, wrong, hell even a crook is one thing, but to allow your rally attendees to actively call for the death of a US senator and presidential candidate is beyond the scope of reason, taste, civility, or even basic acceptable conduct. This is how the Nazi party came to power. Mind you I’m not calling John McCain or the repugnacans around him Nazi’s, but I am saying that they should be letting people know that this is wrong on such a basic level.

And why is it that so many fucktards (my new favorite word) think that the middle name “Hussein” makes the man a terrorist? I understand that the right wing paranoia machine put it out there, and I’m not asking them to disavow their own rumor. What I don’t understand is why they continue to think there is any, any,any truth in this at all. If there was any sort truth to it then wouldn’t be naming our kids Wayne.

Ok so I wrote this on Fri while on dispatch. Later Fri Evening comes around with the news that John McCain himself is correcting his rally-goers. Saying that Barak Obama is not a socialist, a terrorist or an Arab. He is; in fact a good family man. John McCain has a soul and spoiled my rant


T minus 98 days

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