Friday, February 22, 2008

ToC and Smart Bikes in DC

So the ToC is underway. And its a good thing!! Yay the season is here and we're rolling along. One thing I find funny tho; Bob, Paul and Phil have not mentioned word one about the fact that Rock Racing is racing with only 5 guys total. Poor Super Mario is pretty much out there by himself. He did manage a very respectible 3rd the other day. Not bad for an old guy 3 years out of racing. I've got to give it to Rock Racing too. I gave them a bunch of crap coming in, but they put up a bunch of cash, as founding members for the ToC. Cadillac has bought ads. They've sponsored both the "rock racing cam", essentially the helicopter view and the podium girls. Way to put up Michael Ball. Who knows I might buy me a Rock Racing jersey yet. Lord knows I cant afford their Jeans.

And Locally even better news!! Published in WABA's newsletter is news of bike sharing in DC. What I thought was a pipe dream is actually coming to fruition. Smart Bikes is the DC version of the Paris program the has been soo successful. DC's program isnt going to be quite as ambitous to start, but it will be the first in the US beating out even Portland!! We're starting out with a 120 bikes in 10 locations, but given DC's small size, this is a good start. $40 gets you access to the system for a year. A simple swipe of your "smart bike" card and your off to the races for 3 hours. Locks will not be provided in the hopes that people will be using the stations rather than locking them up independently. ZIP Car and FlexiCar both came to DC a couple of years ago and DC turned into the nations most successful car sharing city, over 26,000 members share 700 cars. Lets hope Bike sharing is just as successful. The Website will be, its not up quite yet, but hopefully soon. The crazy thing is that all this is being sponsored by Clear Channel, one of those mega media companies that are controlling the messages you get to hear on your radio and read in your newspapers.

In Arlington they are expanding bike parking at Ballston, and looking at ways to better protect bikes while they are parked at the Metro stations. Currently the bike rack facilities are out of date and getting run down, they were designed and built during the build-up of Ballston back in the 80's. They are also looking at developing a "Bike Center" to act as depot point for bike traffic and commuters in the area. Go Arlington!! Check out the big plans here

Overall I gotta say its an exciting time for cyclist in the DC metro area. Lets hope that Fairfax county can start to get their act together too.

Go Slipstream!!!

332 more days

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